I recommend Sarah A. Hoyt‘s latest blog post on the state of today’s job market. Her upcoming installments also look promising. I had some thoughts on it and wanted to share them here as well. This is spot on, Sarah. Thank you. There are a number of contributing factors to this, some of which you…
Author: Tony Andarian
Looters of the Spirit of Science
Asking challenging questions about a new, experimental medical treatment isn’t “anti-science.” It’sĀ anti-authoritarian. What today’s medical fascists and their hangers-on are objecting to when you do this is your failure to obey a preselected set of authorities, chosen not by you, but by them. They’re objecting to your insistence on independent thought and judgement if you don’t…
Corporate Wokeness On Trial
It’s become an article of faith among many in the C-Suite of corporate executives that it’s the responsibility of companies today to engage in political activism. Yet the public, by and large, disagrees. “While 63% of corporate executives “agree unequivocally that companies should speak out on social issues,” only 36% of voters feel the same,…
Welcome to Parallel Author
Parallel Author is a new blog of cultural commentary. Penned by fantasy author Tony Andarian, its central theme is about cultural reform through the creation of parallel structures. It builds on and repurposes a brief but now obsolete political blog from the last decade, whose articles are preserved here as well. For more information about…