So Herman Cain turns out to be just another bailout-loving RINO phony:
Far from Nationalization, Purchase of Bank Stocks Is a Win-Win for Taxpayers – Herman Cain, North Star Writers Group, October 20, 2008
With an opinion like this one, why was I not surprised to learn that he served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City? And he has the nerve to rail against people who object to being ripped off to bail out his politically connected banking buddies as “free market purists?” Give me a break.
I agree, Cain is a phony. If you want to vote for someone who will go after the Fed, who will uphold the Constitution always, and who will support the right to keep and bear arms, vote Ron Paul in 2012!
Joshua: thanks for the comment! I’m not with you on Ron Paul, though. I’d sooner vote for Obama. Paul’s fiscal policy is stellar, but his ostrichist “blame America” rhetoric makes him a textbook example of what Ayn Rand derided as a libertarian “hippie of the right.”